[TUTORIAL] How To Make $2-3 A Day Using VPS (AutoPilot)

Earn money from virtual private server using Traffic Exchange!!!

I have seen many people having lot of VPS and most of them have no idea what to do with their VPS after the massive ban from YT and DM.

So this tutorial may help you to cover back your VPS cost and might fetch you some profit if you follow the instructions I give below.


•    Website
•    Few VPS to run Traffic Exchange (OS - Ubuntu 14.04 - 64/32 bit)
•    Little knowledge in Linux
•    Understanding and reading skills (MAIN - So that you read this hole thread and stop asking silly questions)
I have 15 VPS and I make approximately $2-3 everyday by combining all the CPM networks which is 40-60$. This method is mainly for the people who have no idea what to do with their VPS.

I will just go step by step clearly so that I can avoid a lot of newbies post on this thread

  1. List of website you need to signup

Note: All the non referral links will be posted at end of this thread. If you need any personal support from me then your are requested to signup under my referral or else use the non-referral link at the end of this thread.

CPM network list:

1. BlockAdz
2. AdsPtp
3. AdmediaTex
4. CPMBux
5. A-Ads
6. AlexaMaster
7. AlexaSurfing
8. HitLeap
search in google for website,

Once you signed up on all the network listed above now you need to create a website so that you can place all your adds on the website and make some money.

2. Setting up a website

Recently I made a simple tutorial on how to setup your website on Linux. So what you have to do is take one of your Linux VPS to host a website. For a domain you can use .tk domain for free.

[TUTORIAL] How To Host Your Website On Linux VPS (WordPress):

The above tutorial will help you to create a website. After creating a website you need to configure rest of your Linux VPS to run Traffic Exchange.

3. Setting up VPS to run Traffic Exchange

Now we have to setup our VPS. Download Putty and run it. Add your VPS ip and connect to your VPS though Putty. After that enter "username" and "password" ( Username and password will be in your mail)

Please follow the exact information giving below:

1. Enter these commands on your Linux terminal:

apt-get purge apache2* bind9* samba*
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install nano
apt-get install firefox
apt-get install xorg lxde-core tightvncserver
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wine

2. Run vncserver for 1st and enter a password you want to use:

vncserver :1

3. Now kill the vncserver:

vncserver -kill :1

4. Open and edit "xstartup":

nano ~/.vnc/xstartup

Now at the bottom of this file place the following text, then use ctrl+o to save then ctrl+x to exit

lxterminal &
/usr/bin/lxsession -s LXDE &

5. Reboot your VPS


After rebooting your VPS type this command and then open vncserver:

vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -pixelformat rgb565

6. Connect to your VPS with VNCViewer and type the following command:

cd Desktop
wget -O hitleap.msi http://hitleap.com/viewer/latest
wine start hitleap.msi

Now you can run HitLeap on your VPS. You need to run Alexamaster and Alexasurfing, so just follow few more commands to run them.

Open terminal and type "firefox" on Firefox URL type "about:config" and change the following settings given below with their respected value:

browser.sessionhistory.max_entries => 1
browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewer => 1
browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crashuser => false
browser.cache.disk.max_chunks_memory_usage => 1024
browser.cache.disk.max_priority_chunks_memory => 1024
browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size => 1024
browser.cache.offline.enable => false
javascript.options.gc_on_memory_pressure => false
memory.free_dirty_pages => true
memory.ghost_window_timeout_secods => 30

Now right click on the menu and create new integer and put the name tab "browser.cache.memory.capacity" and value tab "8192".

Go to Firefox preferences:

General TAB: uncheck always check if firefox is your default browser, when firefox start set to my homepage, click restore to default homepage button
Content TAB: check block pop-up windows and create exceptions for : system.alexamaster.com and ebesucher.com
Privacy TAB: set firefox will never remember history
Security TAB: uncheck all options
Advanced - General TAB: uncheck all options
Advanced - Update TAB: never check for update and uncheck search engine update

Download and install "iMarcos for firefox" and "alexamaster", "alexasurfing" addons for more points and restart your browser. Create a iMacro file as traffic.iim and paste the follow code:

SET !LOOP -99999
URL GOTO=https://www.alexamaster.net/autosurf.php?Master=
URL GOTO=http://www.alexasurfing.com/dashboard/autosurf/?uid=

Note: Kindly replace the links with your links

Now we have to create a file that will restart your browser for every 1hour or 30minutes

Timer 1800 = 30minutes, 3200 = 1hour choose any one or use your own time to restart firefox.

Create a bash command:

vi run.sh

Code: (Press "Insert" button and then paste the code)

while :
firefox imacros://run/?m=traffic.iim & sleep 1800
killall firefox
killall firefox
sleep 5
PRESS : ESC + : + x (to save and exit)

Type "sh run.sh". Now your browser must run 5 TE automatically on firefox and it should restart firefox for every 30 minutes.

Now you are running 3 Traffic exchanges.

4. Placing ads on your website

Now you need to place ads on your website. Just follow the image given below and place ads in that format to make some money.

In empty box place ads that you wanna put 

5. Sending traffic and making money

Every thing is done now all you need to do is add your website to HitLeap and send traffic to your website. If you website is being rejected by HitLeap just remove the CPMBux ad and add your website to HitLeap and after getting accepted add the CPMBux ad back to its place.

Meanwhile in AlexaMaster and AlexaSurfing you will be making money for surfing the websites.

That's it what are you waiting for ? Let's make some money


how to make money from vps
Make Money With VPS
How To earn money from vps
How I make money with VPS
Complete Guide to Make Profit from a VPS
how to make vps on dedicated server
how to create vps
make money with linux vps
sell hitleap minutes
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