[Tutorial] How to create VPS(s) with your dedicated server

How to create vps using dedicated server?

So recently, many people bought dedicated servers in order to make vps(s) for TE

Here, I present to you, a clear and detailed guide on how to create VMs [Virtual Machines] with different public IPs using your powerful dedicated server.

It'll be easy as long as you follow closely.

Click the images to enlarge

Overview [Final Result]

click to large
Step 1
Installing Windows Server 2012 to your dedicated server
•  Download Windows Server 2012 R2 ISO here: Click Me 
•  Login to your IPKVM
•  Select "Remote Control" and then "Console Redirection"
Click "Java Console"

Run the Java Application
Check the box and then click 
Upon successful launch/connection, go to Device > Redirect ISO
Select the Windows Server 2012 ISO file you downloaded earlier and click "Open"
While at boot screen, press F11 to open up boot device menu
Select "Virtual CDROM"
Install Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
Follow and complete all the installation steps and you're done

***Please take note that if your host already installed it for you, you can skip this step

1. Access your dedicated server and enter its boot device menu (Typically press F11 or F9 to enter. But if you are unsure how, please check with your host or their knowledgebase)
2. Insert/Select Windows Server 2012 R2 ISO
3. Install Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard [Not Core]
4. Follow and complete all the installation steps and you're done

Step 2
Installing Hyper-V

Open up server manager and select "Add roles and features"
Keep clicking "Next" until you get to Server Roles
Select Hyper-V [In this case, I've installed it. Hence, I cannot install it again]
Wait for the installation to complete
If you installed everything correctly, you would be able to see this:

Step 3
Configuring Hyper-V

Open up Hyper-V Manager and you should see this
Right-Click on Hyper-V Manager at the left panel and then click "Connect to Server..."

Select "Local Computer" then click "OK

At the right panel, you would be able to see this: 

Click "Virtual Switch Manager..." and then select "New virtual network switch". Choose "External" before clicking the "Create Virtual Switch" button.
After that, give your virtual switch any name, as long as you can identify it.
Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the newly created switch. (Please take note that your dedicated server would lose its internet access for a few seconds or more. Hence, if you are using RDP to access your dedicated server like me, do not panic if it disconnects you.)

Now, you've completed the Hyper-V network configurations!

thanks for reading!

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how to create vps on dedicated server
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